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Journal Methodology

Journal MPR
Announcement: The 11th European Congress of Methodology will take place in Tenerife, Spain, from July, 22 to 25, 2025. For further information please click here.

Scope of activities

The EAM serves to promote the research and the development of empirical research methods in the fields of the Behavioural, Social, Educational, Health and Economic Sciences as well as in the field of Evaluation Research, especially by:
  • promoting research and teaching of research methods in the fields mentioned above
  • creating facilities to promote the exchange between scientists in Europe and other parts of the world
  • supporting the activities of national groups and their members
  • promoting publications in the fields mentions above

Personal benefits of being a member of the European Association of Methodology

Other good reasons of becoming a member of the European Association of Methodology

  • Other international organisations are often neither interdisciplinary nor explicitly European based. We will all profit from more coordination and exchange in Europe with respect to teaching and to research. The information technology will open up completely new ways of cooperation such electronic workshops, international Master and PhD programs, etc.
  • The political unification process of Europe deserves to be supported by parallel unification processes in science.
  • A European association helps promote methodological thinking in the substantive fields of science but also in politics and administration.


The initiative to found a European Association of Methodology was originated by the Methods Group of the German Society of Psychology and the Spanish Asociación Espanola de Metodología de las Ciencias del Comportamiento (aemcco), and was joined by the Methods Section of the German Society of Sociology. The idea was also embraced by the organizational meeting of the Conference of the Society for Multivariate Analysis in the Behavioural Sciences (SMABS) in Tilburg, and by many individual colleagues from other European countries. The founding meeting took place on February 27, 2004, in Frankfurt/Main (Germany), and was attended by researchers and methodologists from 8 European countries and 4 disciplines (Psychology, Sociology, Economics, Education). The first conference was held July 17-22, 2004 in Jena (Germany) as a joint conference with the Society of Multivariate Analysis in the Behavioural and Social Sciences (SMABS) (All oral contributions are still available as online-videos: Here). Since then, successful confrences were held in Budapest (2006), Oviedo (2008), Potsdam (2010), Santiago de Compostela (2012), Utrecht (2014), Palma de Mallorca (2016), Jena (2018) and Valencia (2021).